Winner 1984

St. Elsewhere

NBC Television, MTM Enterprises

From Young Dr. Kildare to Marcus Welby, from Janet Dean, R.N. to Trapper John, M.D., medical programs have been a staple of American popular entertainment. Unfortunately, most portrayals treat doctors as heroic archetypes, and their tools and procedures as the ultimate triumph of technology over human frailty. St. Elsewhere is a glorious exception to this trend. Each week, this outstanding series examines the complexities of life in a Boston hospital—from personal pressures to professional rivalries, from the chaos of the emergency room to the solace of the chapel. St. Elsewhere is distinguished television, set apart from other dramatic series by its depth of characterization, crisp and believable dialogue, and unusual variety in lighting, staging and photography. The only regularly-scheduled dramatic series to be so recognized, a 1984 Peabody Award to NBC and MTM Enterprises for St. Elsewhere.