Individual 1953

Personal Award: Edward R. Murrow


A Tarheel, born on a small farm in North Carolina, Edward R. Murrow brings to radio and television those qualities which are summed up in that ringing phrase, “a fighting Southerner.” He is a believer, and he believes passionately in the capacity of this country to do the right thing. He is fair-minded and a fighter for justice. He is courageous with the courage that has compelled him again and again to take on assignments “above and beyond the call of duty.’ Broadcasting the news five days a week; initiating one television show, See It Now, on Tuesday nights; and another, Person To Person, on Fridays; and always alert for a sudden trip to Korea, Germany, or the Moon, he is a one-man team and as modest as he is energetic. We salute the Aluminum Company of America and the American Oil Company for having the good sense to be his sponsors; and to Edward R. Murrow who has three times before this received a Peabody Award, we now dedicate this Special Award for being himself.