Winner 1993

Katie and Eilish: Siamese Twins

Yorkshire Television, Discovery Channel

If ever a topic was ripe for tabloid treatment, this is it. Rather than turn a personal tragedy into just another piece of trash television, Yorkshire Television and The Discovery Channel instead present a sensitive and tender examination of a family dealing with a medical crisis. Producer/director Mark Galloway obviously earned the trust of Katie and Eilish and their parents, Mary and Liam Holten, and that trust is never betrayed. Katie and Eilish’s joy for life and love for parents and family become the central focus of this piece, as Mary and Liam weigh the most difficult decision of their lives. We share their pain and hope for the future of their children. We feel the sadness of losing a child when Katie dies unexpectedly after surgical separation. For providing insightful television without pandering to the sensational, a Peabody to Katie and Eilish: Siamese Twins.